On January 10th of 1994, our firm was born in the Northeast part of México with the fundamental objective of providing our clients with high quality professional services and professionalism in the field of public accounting, fiscal and corporate law.
The founding partners were Lic. and C.P.C. Antonio de Luna Díaz, today General Director of our firm; C.P.C. Jose Luis de Luna Díaz and C.P.C. Fernando Javier Martín Mejía, today General Sub-Director of our firm.
In 1998, our firm entered in a forthright growing process with the incorporation of new professionals in accounting and corporate law, that gave us a significant increment in the number of clients and in the efficiency of our services, placing us as leaders in our region for the quality of our professional services.
This year we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of our firm, with a team of 30 professionals and providing our professional services in Mexicali, Tijuana, Tecate and Ensenada in Baja California and San Luis Rio Colorado and Hermosillo in Sonora.
We congratulate ourselves and celebrate our success looking with optimism for the immediate and mediate future.
We're constantly looking for improvements in the areas of our professional services.
Our goal is to generate trust, ease of mind and juridical certainty to our clients.
We have the duty of performing with professional integrity and with respect to social dignity.
We see in our work the opportunity of serving with our intellect and at the same time the possibility of transcend with dominion of reason.
We are a firm of professionals in fiscal, accounting and juridical areas; we provide our clients juridical certainty, assurance on their obligations with the authorities and the guaranty of our seriousness in the management of their interests.
Professional Ethics
Respect to Legality
Commitment with Honesty
High Direction
Intellectual Security