
Fiscal Consultation
Through monthly visits from our consultants, we keep our clients advised on fiscal matters regarding to each of them, rendering reports and providing the necessary support on this field, and in addition we also offer phone and online consultation. Also each month, by internet, a newsletter with fiscal news is delivered to our clients.
Fiscal Planning
With a previous study of each situation, we propose an strategy for fiscal planning that will offer benefits and savings on taxes, 100% in compliance with the legal system in force.
Administrative Studies
We prepare administrative studies for corporations and individuals to offer legal, fiscal and patrimonial alternatives to safeguard their patrimony, either for jurisdictional way or for administrative and legal control.
Tax Returns
With our fiscal specialist, we prepare the annual tax returns for corporations and individuals, accordingly to the terms of the legal regulations in force.
Fiscal Regularization
For those corporations that are not current on their accounting and their tax returns, we offer integral regularization service given by our skilled and well trained professionals.

Corporate Audit
Our legal department carry out a meticulous revision of the social statutes of the companies and their revisions, the shareholding titles, the corporate registries and board minutes, and their legal system, and based on all of them propose changes and modifications considered necessary.
Expert Advice
We are authorized by the state superior court of justice to give expert advice of accounting and fiscal nature required on civil, mercantile, penal or administrative legal procedures.
Expert Advice on Shares
In cases of corporate transfer of shares, we issue an "advice on transfer of shares" obligatory by the fiscal ordinances.

With the collaboration of our team of lawyers, we prepare civil, mercantile and labor contracts required by the companies.
Corporative Establishment
We prepare the statutes to establish all kind of corporations civil or mercantile, making sure at all moment that the type of corporation chosen is the most suitable according to the activities to be developed, and that the legal and financial system is the most appropriate.
Legal Consultation
We offer general legal advice and consultation to our clients, in order to assist and advise them, in regards to legal situations they face on their business activity.
Legal Fiscal Defense
We defend the rights of our clients in fiscal matters, before federal or state courts, presenting revocation resources, invalidity judgments and appeals, they being direct or indirect.
Administrative Procedure of Execution
We argue and oppose by legal route, when necessary we are vigilant that the procedures of execution are made according to the law, or on the contrary, we opposed them when legal violations arise on its procedures, which we make account before the courts.
We defend our clients when they face constitutional violations by the authorities, and for that, when necessary we resort to direct or indirect appeal judgments according to the circumstances.
We request mercantile trials to the corresponding courts of first instance, in defense of our clients' interests.
Equally, we present legal labor defense for our clients before the local and federal conciliation courts.

Administrative Consultation
We offer consultation on administrative matters to small companies, to suggest administration and internal control procedures according to the circumstances.
Business Advice
We answer in a professional way, all the answers in reference to the operation management of the companies, getting support from our consulting departments.
Human Resources
We advice the companies on the proper management of the Human Resources Department, and we also offer employment agency services and personnel hiring.
Payroll Planning
We offer technical alternatives, for the integration of payroll concepts by preparing the social prevision plans according to the circumstances.
External Management Services
We offer the service of handling the administration of the companies, when it is required from us, which is provided through our consulting departments.